The Kika7 and Apa7 Project

Welcome to the Kika7 and Apa7  project.We are one of the oldest Band schools in British Columbia.The Xit'olacw Community School can be found up in Mount Currie - this is the home of the Lilwat people.
Kika7 means young girl and Apa7 means young boy.

The Kika7 project was started in 2007 at the FNESC Conference in Vancouver.
Kika7 was welcomed by the students at Xit'olacw Community school and then a year later we welcomed Apa7 to the project.

We have decided to start communicating with classes in Canada and around the world in 2010 - so send us a comment on our blog or a postcard telling us a little bit more about your country,community and school. Remember to tell us your geographic location.
Send your postcard to

The Kika7 and Apa7 Project
PO Box 627